
All You Need to Know About Organic Baby Skin Care Product


If you really want to take proper care of your baby in every way you can use organic baby skin care products. But that is what most of the parents are unaware of this and are still buying harmful chemical skin cares. So, here is some information that can guide you in choosing proper organic baby skincare for a baby.

Different types of rashes

Different reasons which cause diaper rash are friction, an irritant, an allergy or seborrhoea. The most common form of rashes are the friction rashes and are the easiest to relieve. These rashes occur when the wet diaper gets rubbed against the sensitive skin of the baby especially in the areas under the elastic and under the thighs. The irritant rashes are mainly caused due to contact with urine and stool or any harsh ingredients present in baby wipes or in any synthetic lotions. This type of rashes is very dangerous especially when they occur together like an allergic rash and an irritant rash if they occur together may lead to skin eruption similar to poison ivy or poison oak. Most of the allergic rashes are prone to moist heat areas of the skin due to which they occur in skin folds such as armpits and knee bends. The seborrhoea rashes mostly appear rough. This type of rashes occurs due to over-reactive oil glands in the skin which is due to the sensitivity if the skin is high. This rashes are red in color and are rough sometimes scales also come out. So, it always advised organic baby skincare for babies as there are no added chemicals which might to over reactive to the sensitive skin of the baby.

What comprises of organic baby skin care product

Whenever you choose any skin care product for a baby you should always do proper research and buy the best quality product for the baby. While selecting any natural skin care product for the baby you should always keep in mind that it must create a protective barrier on the baby skin so that the irritants such as stool or urine doesn’t penetrate and affect the skin. This thing will prevent the baby’s skin from getting affected, it acts as a shield and prevents the area from the irritant. Some of the most important ingredients that are used to make the baby skin care products are Aloe Vera, vitamin-grade zinc, tea tree oil, and vitamin E.

How to choose organic baby skin care product

Organic skin products are harmless and are made for soft and delicate skin. So, to choose the one you should always keep these things in mind.

Firstly, you should always read the labels properly. It is common that you may don’t have knowledge about every ingredient in the product so it is good to go for a product which is branded and are well known or recommended by any experienced. Secondly, you should always fix the regimen of your baby’s skin for the first six months. Thirdly you should always pick the certified organic products rather than other organic offerings. Certified organic skin care products are better as they have to get official approval for use from a group of experienced scientists or doctors and then only it comes to the market, after tests and certification. The fourth point that comes is that proper inspection of the material that it uses any unnecessary chemicals or not. If yes, it is best to avoid that product.

Sometimes the irritants that cause skin problems may come from sources like clothing and bedding that contains pesticides and petrochemicals. So, it also advised choosing organic cotton cloths for babies. Taking proper care of your baby is not an easy task, you have to handle everything very delicately and consciously. So, it is always advised to choose organic baby skincare so that the most sensitive body organ of a baby which is exposed to the present toxic environment. They act as a shield for the baby’s skin with all the natural ingredients in it and protect the delicate skin of the baby from any harmful irritant to cause rashes or any harmful skin disease.

Krist S
Very eager to view the world in my own perspective.